A Quick Guide on How to Turn off Password on Mac

Having a password on your Mac is one of the most crucial things for your safety and the security of the files and other data that you have stored on your Mac. However, there are instances that entering your password over and over and over again every time you use your Mac can be at times annoying.

Don’t worry, because, in this article, we are going to show you how you can turn off passwords on Mac in different ways. So if you are in this situation, then this article is for you.

Part 1: Things to Consider Before Turning Off Password on MacPart 2: Three Ways on How to Remove Password on MacPart 3: Conclusion

Part 1: Things to Consider Before Turning Off Password on Mac

Every Mac device is actually getting faster every year. That is why if you have an Apple Watch on hand, then there will be no longer a need to log in with your password on your Mac to unlock it.

However, before we proceed, you have to keep in mind that having a password is very important. This goes not only for your Mac but for all the devices that you have. Encoding a password on your Mac is a very important thing to do.

Because if you have no password on your Mac, then anyone will be able to use it without you knowing. This only means that someone can easily steal all of your data can get all your photos, or they can even steal your identity. Or even worst, they can wipe out all of your data and files on your Mac and they can easily say that it is their own Mac.

Keep in mind that Mac actually requires a password for a reason and that should be taken into consideration. You can remove the password on your Mac if you are only confident enough that no one will take it or if it will not fall into the wrong hands.

How to Turn off Password on Mac

Part 2: Three Ways on How to Remove Password on Mac

Now that we have mentioned all the warnings that you have considered, and since that you are confident enough about it, then here are three ways how you can turn off the password on your Mac.

• Booting Up

• Waking Up

• Switching Users

Method 1: Turning Off Password on Mac When Booting Up

This method is actually known as “Automatic Login”. Doing this method will make your Mac go straight to your desktop without requiring any password once it boots up. Doing this means that there will be no selection and there will be no password requirement.

Also, you can still be able to have other user accounts on your Mac. However, you will be needing to switch users from the menu screen located at the top of your screen which you can easily access. And that before you can turn on automatic login on your Mac, the first thing that you would need to do is to make sure that your FileVault is turned off. The FileVault is known as the encryption service that actually protects all the data that you have on your Mac.

  • Turning off the File Vault Encryption on Mac

Step 1: Go ahead and launch the “System Preferences” on your Mac.

Step 2: After that, go ahead and choose “Security and Privacy”.

Step 3: And then, choose FileVault.

Osx Elcapitan Security Privacy Filevault

Step 4: Once you are there, go ahead and click to lock and then key in your administrator password.

Step 5: Then lastly, go ahead and click on “Turn Off FileVault”.

Osx Elcapitan Security Privacy Filevault Users

Once you are done turning off the FileVault on your Mac, then you can go ahead and enable the automatic login. Here are the steps that you need to follow.

  • Enabling Automatic Login on Mac

Step 1: Go ahead and launch the “System Preferences”.

Step 2: And then, go ahead and choose “Users and Groups”.

Step 3: Then after that, go ahead and click to lock and then enter your admin password.

Step 4: And then click on “Login Options” and then go ahead and launch the “Automatic Login” drop-down box.

Step 5: And then, go ahead and choose the account from the list that is shown on your screen.

Step 6: Once done go ahead and enter your admin password.

Prefs Users Login Auto Login Choose User

Another thing that you should keep in mind is that you cannot be able to turn on the Automatic Login if you are going to use your iCloud password as your login. For you to be able to get this done, all you have to do is to change the password in the “Users and Groups” settings.

once that you are done with this, you will now be able to access your Mac and go straight ahead to your desktop screen. But if you are going to switch users, change the administrator settings, or wake up from sleep mode, then you still need to key in your password. If you want to know how you can do that, go ahead and check out method #2.

Method #2: Turning Off Password on Mac When Waking Up

Normally, your Mac would go to sleep when you are not using it. This is to protect the screen from burning. However, there are some users who are annoyed when their Mac goes to sleep. This is because they would have to enter their password again before they can access it again.

Now since this situation can really be so annoying for some users because they would have to enter their password all over again. Here, we are going to show you on how you can turn off your password on your Mac when your Mac is waking up from sleep.

You actually have two options in doing this. You can choose to completely when waking up. Or you can also set up your Mac to require a password every five minutes or so. This way, you can allow your Mac to go to sleep for a short time without you having to enter the password again. Here are the steps that you would be needing to follow for you to do this.

Step 1: Go ahead and launch the “System Preferences” on your Mac.

System Pref

Step 2: And then go ahead and choose “Security and Privacy”.

Security Privacy

Step 3: Then go ahead and go to “General”.

Step 4: Then after that, go ahead and uncheck the “Require Password” option.

Step 5: After that, go ahead and key in your Mac admin password.

Step 6: And then, go ahead and choose “Turn Off Screen Lock” or you can also choose a certain time period for this.

Method #3: Turning Off the Login Password on Mac When Switching Users

If you were able to do all the methods that we have mentioned above, then that only means that you have already gone a long way. However, your Mac is not yet free of entering your password. This is because your Mac would still require you a password when you try to switch users, login, or if you are going to change your administrator settings.

Do not worry, because there is still another way for you to get rid of this. Doing this method will actually make your life easier when you are trying to use your Mac.

However, this does not mean that it is possible to remove the need on your Mac to require any password but you can opt to choose to make your password blank. When you make your password blank, then all you have to do is to hit on the Enter button on your Mac once it asks you for a password. This way, the prompt that keeps on annoying you will disappear.

Another sad thing about this is that there are actually some Macs wherein you can no longer enter a blank password and this is if you have macOS High Sierra and Mojave. If you do this on the Mac that we have mentioned, you will just be getting an error message that says “the password is empty” and that the password can no longer be changed.

So if you would want to make a blank password on your macOS High Sierra, then all you have to do is to follow these steps.

Step 1: Go ahead and launch the “System Preferences” on your Mac.

System Pref

Step 2: After that, go ahead and go straight to “Users and Groups”.

User Groups

Step 3: And then go ahead and choose click to lock.

Click Lock

Step 4: Once done, go ahead and enter your admin password.

Step 5: Right after that, go ahead and click on your username located at the left of your screen.

Step 6: And then, go ahead and choose “Change Password”.

Step 7: Then go ahead and key in the old password that you have but do not put anything under “New Password”.

Step 8: Once you are done, go ahead and click on the “Change Password” option and then agree that you are having a blank password.

Once you have done all the steps that we have mentioned above, you can now go ahead and simply hit on the Enter button on your Mac once it requires you to enter a password.

Part 3: Conclusion

So if you are actually thinking that turning off the password on your Mac is an impossible thing to do, then you are wrong. Because doing this method is actually a very easy thing to do. You can choose any of the methods that we have mentioned above for the one that will actually suit you. Or you can do all the methods that we have mentioned so that you will be needing to enter your password from time to time when you are using your Mac.

However, you have to keep in mind that once you remove the password on your Mac, then you and all the files that you have stored in it, as well as your Mac can be in great danger. It is because anyone around you can just easily access your Mac with just a blink of an eye. Your data and other files can be stolen, or they can be completely removed from your Mac.

Your identity can be stolen as they have access to anything that you have accessed on your Mac. And one of the worst parts is that other people can just simply wipe out all of the things that your Mac contains and they can easily claim it that it is their Mac and not yours. That is why you have to make sure that you are confident enough before deciding to remove the password on your Mac.

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