There are many ways to uninstall FileZilla on Mac, the choice of the option depends on what you have at hand.
Most of the time, people are used to the drag-and-drop option which is the simplest but its disadvantage is that it doesn’t remove the Mac caches, plugin preferences, and other related files. That’s why to effectively remove the toolkit from the device, you need to have an automatic digital solution, that is why Mac cleaner is the best as discussed in part 2 of this article.
Also, you can also choose to also use its inbuilt uninstaller to remove it from the system and that means you send it to the Trash folder. This involves you also sending the other related files to the said device. This is a simple and straightforward application ideal for all users irrespective of the level of experience. What are the available options?
Part #1: How to Uninstall FileZilla on Mac ManuallyPart #2: How to Uninstall FileZilla on Mac AutomaticallyConclusion
Part #1: How to Uninstall FileZilla on Mac Manually
The manual way to remove the application comes with different methods. Some of them are built while for others you have to use the Mac device settings. The inbuilt options mean that you use the App settings to uninstall FileZilla on Mac. We will explore the two ways and see what works best and that includes the advantages and disadvantages.
How to Uninstall FileZilla on Mac Using Finder
This is a simple procedure that includes the process:
- On your Mac device, open the Finder menu and choose the Application option and choose FileZilla among the list of applications.
- A list of the files appears on the interface, choose them and click the files that you need out of the system and click “Send to Trash” and wait for them to appear in the Trash Folder.
- Open the Trash Folder and choose the files once again and click “Empty Trash” and wait for some minutes for all the files to be out of the system.
How to Uninstall FileZilla on Mac Using Launchpad
When you don’t want to go through the cumbersome process of emptying the Trash folder then this is the best approach for you. The toolkit is available on AppStore and it is simple and convenient. Here is the procedure:
- On your Mac device, download, install and Run Launchpad from the App Store and wait for it to root itself on the system.
- On the search menu click the FileZilla and scroll down to get it and click the X button that appears on the interface to automatically start the uninstallation process.
The disadvantage that comes with the manual option is that it doesn’t take care of the caches, preferences, and logins among others, which means you actually do not completely get rid of the unneeded app on your Mac.
Part #2: How to Uninstall FileZilla on Mac Automatically
The software is the best and the most automatic way to uninstall FileZilla on Mac. TechyCub Mac Cleaner is a simple and interactive application ideal for all users irrespective of the level of experience.
Mac Cleaner
Scan your Mac quickly and clean junk files easily.
Check the primary status of your Mac including the disk usage, CPU status, memory usage, etc.
Speed up your Mac with simple clicks.
Free Download
The toolkit comes with additional toolkits that include App Uninstaller, Junk Cleaner, Shredder, and Large and Old Files Remover among others. The toolkit safeguards the system files from accidental deletion from the system. When you delete the files, you may have a system error which forces you to undergo the complex debugging functions which is ideal to manage and run the uninstallation functions.
Also, it has no limit on the Mac devices, whether they are old or new. Here are some of the additional features of the toolkit that comes with these toolkits:
- Has an App Uninstaller that removes the applications from the system and includes all the related files among others.
- Supports Junk Cleaner which removes duplicate files, corrupted files, residual files, and unneeded files leaving the system clean.
- Comes with a Preview Mode which gives you a list of the files to manage the selective cleaning of files from the Mac device.
- Supports up to 500MB of free cleaning of files which means that when you have files within this storage limit you will not use a dime to use it.
- Supports Deep Scan of the system to detect and remove the files even if they are stored in the hidden storage locations but that is different from the storage location that hosts the system files.
Here is the simple procedure that you need to uninstall FileZilla on Mac:
- On my Mac device, download, install and run Mac Cleaner on the device until then you are able to see the status of the application.
- On the left side of the pane choose App Uninstaller to have a list of the applications on the system and click “Scan”.
- Choose FileZilla among the list of applications to have a list of the files on the system and highlight the files and click “Clean” to begin the cleaning process until you are able to see the “Clean Up Completed” icon.
What a pretty simple application that needs no external integrations and plugins to manage the toolkits with minimal effort.
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Are you versed with the different ways to uninstall FileZilla on Mac or do you want to try and explore other digital solutions apart from Mac Cleaner available on the interface? The choice of the option to choose is all at your discretion. You are at liberty to make a choice on the best and the most reliable of them all.
You will still notice that Mac Cleaner is still the best and the most reliable among the hundreds that appear on the digital market. However, there is no harm in trying some of the available options Justin case you want diversity when it comes to Mac cleaning toolkits.