There are many ways to uninstall TotalAV on Mac, the choice of the option depends on your level of experience and the digital toolkits you have at hand. In this article, we want to look at the three categories which accommodate all three options.
In part 1, we will look at how to use the Terminal option which is ideal for software developers and programmers. It is a complex process that is ideal for people who have the right level of experience to manage and handle the situation. In part 2, we will look at the automatic way which is the Mac Cleaner, a software application ideal to manage all the functions of the toolkit.
Lastly, we want to look at the manual way in which everyone should know this since this is the first line of approach for everyone. What is the best option for you? Continue reading and get to know more details.
Part #1: How to Uninstall TotalAV on Mac Using TerminalPart #2: How to Uninstall TotalAV on Mac Using Mac CleanerPart #3: How to Uninstall TotalAV on Mac Using FinderConclusion
Part #1: How to Uninstall TotalAV on Mac Using Terminal
Terminal is your go-to application that comes with a command line version to support all the cleaning functions using the command line mode. The toolkit is complex and requires that you are sure of the command or else you may show the Mac system files and kill them, which may cause system error on the application. The option is irreversible and also lacks a conformation icon and which means that must be sure of the syntax input.
Here is the simple procedure you need to use to uninstall TotalAV on Mac:
- On your Mac device, open the Finder menu and choose Terminal among the list of functions.
- A command line editor appears on the interface for you to key in the command which is CMG/Library/Applications/, net which is among the file extensions that support the files.
- Press Enter and wait for the process to complete.
- Confirm from the various storage locations that the specific files are removed from the system.
This is a one-click option but it's only ideal for programmers and software developers who understand the syntax around the Mac cleaning functions. When you choose this option make sure you key in the right command lest you remove the delicate system files which may force you to go through the debugging functions.
Part #2: How to Uninstall TotalAV on Mac Using Mac Cleaner
TechyCub Mac Cleaner is your go-to application for all your Mac cleaning needs. This is a simple application that runs on a simple interface with minimal effort. It comes with additional features that include App Uninstaller, Junk Cleaner, Shredder, and Large and Old Files Remover. Moreover, it safeguards the system files from accidental deletion which makes it a plus. Here are some of the additional features that come with this toolkit.
Mac Cleaner
Scan your Mac quickly and clean junk files easily.
Check the primary status of your Mac including the disk usage, CPU status, memory usage, etc.
Speed up your Mac with simple clicks.
Free Download
Here are some of the additional features that come with this top free Mac antivirus software:
- Comes with a selective cleaning function which means that you can choose the files you want to remove thanks to the Preview Mode of the application.
- Supports cleaning of junk files, residual files, and duplicate files among other unneeded files, thanks to the Junk Cleaner supported on the interface.
- Comes with a Deep Scan option that detects and removes the files from the system even if they are in a hidden storage location.
- Supports up to 500 MB of data cleaning free of charge.
With all the advanced features, how best does the application work to uninstall TotalAV on Mac? Read on and get to know more details:
- On your Mac device, download, install and run Mac Cleaner on the interface until you are able to see the status of the application.
- Click the App Uninstaller among the list of the files on the left side and click “Scan” to show a list of all the applications.
- Choose TotalAV among the list for all the files associated with the digital toolkit to appear in a preview list.
- Choose the files and click “Clean” to start the cleaning process and wait until you are able to see the “Clean Up Completed” icon.
What a pretty simple toolkit that comes with a simple and interactive interface.
Part #3: How to Uninstall TotalAV on Mac Using Finder
Finder is the manual way to uninstall TotalAV on Mac which involves going to the storage toolkits and removing the files one by one. This is a simple option but cumbersome and tiring especially when you have a lot of files that you need to remove. Moreover, there is a possibility that you can remove the delicate system files from the system which may lead to system error.
All in all, how does it work?
- On your Mac device, open the Finder menu and click Library and choose Applications to view all the applications in a list.
- Choose the TotalAV digital solution for all the files to appear on the interface and click on them.
- Choose the files and right-click to access another menu which will prompt you to click “Send to Trash” and wait for some time for the files to be in the Trash Folder.
- Open the Trash Folder and click the files once again and right-click and choose “Empty Trash” to completely remove the files from the system.
Is it something that you want to use to remove TotalAV when there are automated options?
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You have three options that you need to try and use to uninstall TotalAV on Mac. The choice of the option is now at your discretion. However, you need to try and understand the procedures for you to make a choice on what works for you. The TechyCub Mac Cleaner is the best and the most reliable option that should help you manage and run the toolkit with ease. Moreover, it supports automated Mac cleaning functions.